On Semi-Cylindrical Illuminance

Patrick Rombauts, Cie Technical Committee Tc (Redacteur)

Onderzoeksoutput: Other report


This report is corresponding to the first version of the technical-scientifical document of the Technical Committee TC 5-23 of the CIE on semi-cylindrical illuminance. The terms of reference are : to study the applicability of semi-cylindrical illuminance in outdoor applications, in particular in sports lighting.

This Report is published yearly.
Originele taal-2English
UitgeverijCIE Central Bureau Vienna-A
Aantal pagina's40
UitgaveCIE Technical Committee TC 5-23
StatusPublished - 10 jan 2008

Publicatie series

NaamAnnual report on semi-cylindrical illuminance

Bibliografische nota

CIE Technical Committee TC 5-23


  • Semi-Cilindrische Verlichtingssterkte
  • Buitenverlichting
  • Sportveldverlichting
  • Verlichtingssterkteconcepten


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