Ontogeny of vocal rhythms in harbor seal pups: An exploratory study

Andrea Ravignani, Christopher Kello, Koen de Reus, Sonja A. Kotz, Simone Dalla Bella, Margarita Mendez-Arostegui, Beatriz Rapado-Tamarit, Ana Rubio-Garcia, Bart de Boer

Onderzoeksoutput: Articlepeer review

20 Citaten (Scopus)
69 Downloads (Pure)


Puppyhood is a very active social and vocal period in a harbour seal’s life Phoca vitulina. An important feature of vocalizations is their temporal and rhythmic structure, and understanding vocal timing and rhythms in harbour seals is critical to a cross-species hypothesis in evolutionary neuroscience that links vocal learning, rhythm perception, and synchronisation. The current study utilised analytical techniques that may best capture rhythmic structure in pup vocalisations with the goal of examining whether (i) harbour seal pups show rhythmic structure in their calls and (ii) rhythms evolve over time. Calls of three wild-born seal pups were recorded daily over the course of 1–3 weeks; three temporal features were analysed using three complementary techniques. We identified temporal and rhythmic structure in pup calls across different time windows. The calls of harbour seal pups exhibit some degree of temporal and rhythmic organisation, which evolves over puppyhood and resembles that of other species’ interactive communication. We suggest next steps for investigating call structure in harbour seal pups and propose comparative hypotheses to test in other pinniped species.
Originele taal-2English
Pagina's (van-tot)107-120
Aantal pagina's14
TijdschriftCurrent Zoology
Nummer van het tijdschrift1
StatusPublished - 7 jul 2018
EvenementEvolution of Language Conference: Evolang XII - Toruń, Poland
Duur: 16 apr 201819 apr 2018


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