Optimal sizing and lifetime investigation of second life lithium-ion battery for grid-scale stationary application

Abraham Alem Kebede, Md Sazzad Hosen, Theodoros Kalogiannis, Henok Ayele Behabtu, Marta Zemedu Assefa, Towfik Jemal, Venkata Ramayya, Joeri Van Mierlo, Thierry Coosemans, Maitane Berecibar

Onderzoeksoutput: Articlepeer review

3 Citaten (Scopus)


The renewable energy sources (RESs) integration into the grid system aims to solve the problem of power shortage and satisfy the increasing demand with the production of surplus energy. However, the intermittent nature of these RESs (solar and wind) is a challenge to integrate with the grid system without the deployment of mitigating solutions. The re-use of first life-end-of-life (FL_EoL) electric vehicle batteries known as second life batteries (SLBs) is therefore proposed as a reliable solution to resolve this problem, satisfying the technoeconomic requirements of stationary applications. Though various studies performed on the technical viability evaluation of SLBs, most of them have not considered the field data of existing stationary plants and were found to be limited with simulation-based aging results. On the other hand, few of the studies have performed the second life aging test with limited cycles considering the end of test conditions rather than using the cells reached to their end of first life criteria. Therefore, in this paper, the prolonged cycling aging of SLBs is conducted (both cell-level and module-level aging), focusing on aging characteristics of SLBs by using a real-life renewable power smoothing profile extracted from an existing photovoltaic grid-connected system (PVGCS) installed in Ethiopia. Prior to the aging characterization of SLBs, assessment of the selected stationary application requirement, optimal sizing of the storage battery and cycling profile definition are performed using advanced moving average ramp rate controller (MARRC) algorithm. The proposed method of MARRC is used to determine the optimal SLBs capacity by analyzing the relationship between ramp-rate, initial battery capacity and window sizes of moving average control method in terms of time series. The algorithm addresses the main objectives of reducing unnecessary battery cycling, mitigating ramp-rate violations and meeting minimum storage requirements for the second-life application. From the result of the battery sizing study, the desired optimal battery capacity and the permissible ramp-rate limit below 10 %/minute is achieved. Moreover, the aging characterization and lifetime model validation results with a root mean square error (RMSE) of 1.5 % shows that, the technical performance of the SLBs is found to be promising with an efficiency of >90 % interpreted in terms of the service year that the SLBs can provide. Therefore, SLBs can be regarded as a viable solution for integrating RESs with the grid system for the power variability smoothing application.
Originele taal-2English
Aantal pagina's17
TijdschriftJournal of Energy Storage
Nummer van het tijdschrift108541
StatusPublished - 25 nov 2023

Bibliografische nota

Funding Information:
We would like to pass our deepest thanks to Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), ETEC department and Jimma University, Jimma Institute of Technology center of excellence (EXiST) for supporting in doing this research.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023 Elsevier Ltd

Copyright 2023 Elsevier B.V., All rights reserved.


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