Oral presentation: Design and Evaluation of a Miniaturized Microfluidic Platform for Ion-Exchange Chromatography

Sam Wouters, Sebastiaan Eeltink

Onderzoeksoutput: Meeting abstract (Book)


Ion-exchange chromatography is the prevalent technique for the analysis of inorganic anions, and can be used for analysis of organic acids and ionizable biomolecules. Neutralization of the ionic mobile phase is required prior to conductivity detection. Therefore, the columns are hyphenated with suppressors, converting the eluent to a weak acid or water, while enhancing the conductivity of the analyte. Currently however, modular IC systems are characterized by significant extra-column dispersion, affecting the attainable separation efficiency. This aspect can be addressed by integration of multiple system components on a chip platform. This contribution discusses the development of a novel chip-based platform for at-line ion-exchange separations. The study aims at better understanding of design requirements to maximize separation efficiency, while establishing improved detection limits when analyzing minute sample amounts. The device encompasses three key features: separation, suppression, and detection. Pressure resistant separation chips featuring on-chip injection have been developed. The dimensions of the suppressor module and its operating conditions were optimized to yield a device capable of suppressing up to 0.35 µEq/min, making the device compatible with typical gradient conditions applied in capillary-scale separations. Detector cell geometry was systematically varied using a flow-through ring-electrode design, resulting in a device allowing to establish limits of detection in the sub-ppb level from common anions. A fivefold increase in signal-to-noise ratio was achieved compared to a commercial capillary conductivity detector. The current contribution also demonstrates the integration of conductivity detection on a microfluidic membrane suppressor. The device was used to analyze minute samples taken from an ice core drilled in Antarctica, allowing to detect traces of volcanic and biological activity.
Originele taal-2English
TitelCommunications in Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences
Subtitel22nd National Symposium of Applied and Biological Sciences (NSABS2017)
UitgeverijUniversity of Gent
Aantal pagina's1
StatusPublished - 7 feb 2017
Evenement22nd Naional Symposium on Applied Biological Sciences - Onderwijs & Navorsing 2, Herestraat 49, 3000 Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
Duur: 7 feb 20177 feb 2017
Congresnummer: 22


Conference22nd Naional Symposium on Applied Biological Sciences
Verkorte titelNSABS 2017
Internet adres


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