Participation of CD45 on pit cells and MHC class I on target cells in rat hepatic NK cell (pit cells)-mediated cytotoxicity against colon carcinoma cells liver sinusoidal endothelial cell fenestrae.

Ronald De Zanger (Redacteur), Dianzhong Luo, Carine Seynaeve, Karin Vanderkerken, Eduard Wisse, David Vermijlen, Dick Knook (Redacteur), Mohammed Eddouks, R. Fraser (Redacteur), P.j.k. Kuppen

Onderzoeksoutput: Book

Bibliografische nota

Cells of the Hepatic Sinusoid,
publ. Kupffer Cell Foundation, 2301 CE Leiden, The Netherlands, vol. 7, pg.287-291 (1999). K: 251;o: 218.

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