Passive Ankle-Foot Prosthesis Prototype with Extended Push-Off

Branko Brackx, Michael Van Damme, Arnout Matthys, Bram Vanderborght, Dirk Lefeber

    Onderzoeksoutput: Articlepeer review

    33 Citaten (Scopus)


    Current commercially available prosthetic feet have
    succeeded in decreasing the metabolic cost and increasing
    the speed of walking compared to walking with
    conventional, mostly solid prosthetic feet. However, there is
    still a large discrepancy when compared with a non?disabled
    gait, and the walking pattern remains strongly disturbed.
    During the stance phase of the leg, these prostheses store
    and return energy using a spring element. This spring
    returns to its neutral position, which generates a push?off,
    but the foot extends much less than with a non?disabled gait.
    The walking pattern may improve with a more extended
    push?off. In this paper, we present a passive ankle?foot
    prosthesis that aims to deliver an extended ankle push?off
    using a specific planetary gearbox arrangement and locking
    mechanisms in order to release the energy in the spring over
    the full natural stretching of the ankle. In recent years, both
    powered and passive prosthetic devices have been
    developed. The prosthetic foot presented in this paper is a
    passive system, such that it has the possibility to be made
    lighter and more robust than, for example, one driven by an
    electric motor. Preliminary walking experiments were
    conducted with a transfemoral amputee.
    Originele taal-2English
    Pagina's (van-tot)1-9
    Aantal pagina's9
    TijdschriftInternational Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems
    StatusPublished - 6 feb 2013


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