PERSONA Deliverable D3.2: PERSONA assessment method (final version)

Nikolaos Ioannidis, Dariusz Kloza, Simone Casiraghi, Ioulia Konstantinou, Alessandra Calvi, James Peter Burgess

Onderzoeksoutput: Commissioned reportResearch

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The present Deliverable D3.2 optimizes and updates the “IAM PERSONA” integrated impact assessment (IIA) method of the PERSONA project. It builds on and is informed by Deliverable D3.1, which contains its draft version, and reflects the lessons learnt from the Test Studies A, B and C, in which the draft method was tested. Such a method is a step-by-step consecutive/iterative process to be applied for the process of IIA of no-gate crossing technologies. It encompasses privacy and personal data protection requirements, as well as ethical and social acceptance concerns identified in the benchmark (D1.3). Both Deliverables D3.1 and D3.2 demonstrate the development and evolution of a tailor-made IIA method that eventually will be included in the final textbook of the PERSONA project (D5.2 and D5.3).
Originele taal-2English
Plaats van productieBrussels
Opdrachtgevend orgaanEuropean Commission
Aantal pagina's72
StatusPublished - 29 jan 2021


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