Preservice Teachers' Resilience Towards School Children's Problems In Remote Areas

Onderzoeksoutput: Unpublished abstract


Problem Statement: As compulsory part of education program, Indonesian preservice teachers have to do a year’s training remotely. To date, research into transformative learning benefits of remote teacher training is scarce.
Research Questions: How do preservice teachers experience remote training as part of their compulsory teacher education program, more specifically, how school children’s problems in remote areas trigger preservice teachers’ transformative learning?
Purpose of the Study: The aim of the study was to investigate (1) preservice teachers’ teaching transformative learning experiences in remote areas, and (2) school children’s problems in stimulating preservice teachers’ transformative learning process.
Research Methods: This study used a qualitative approach by conducting in-depth interviews with 41 teachers from three universities in Indonesia following a preservice teacher education program. After spending one year of their training in a remote Indonesian area, they were questioned about their teaching experiences gained during that specific training period. The data were analysed using NVIVO 11.
Findings: The findings showed that preservice teachers experienced transformative learning outcomes while teaching remotely. School children’s lack of study motivation and their low ability to understand the lesson triggered preservice teachers to engage in a transformational learning process through which their resilience improved.
Conclusions: Preservice teachers perceive school children’s problems in remote areas rather an opportunity than a threat. The transformative learning framework of this study assists in explaining successes for their resilience improvement. Becoming resilient can encourage teacher to stay longer in teaching profession. Therefore, teacher education programs can consider teaching in remote areas as a valuable contribution to their professional development.
Originele taal-2English
StatusPublished - 2018
EvenementInternational Conference on Education & Educational Psychology - Royal Olympic Athens Hotel, Athens, Greece
Duur: 2 okt 20185 okt 2018
Congresnummer: 9th


ConferenceInternational Conference on Education & Educational Psychology
Verkorte titelICEEPSY
Internet adres


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