Primary school teachers’ perceptions about teaching practices fostering critical thinking skills (CT).

Loredana Lombardi, Free De Backer, Koen Lombaerts

Onderzoeksoutput: Other contribution


Critical thinking is one of the higher-order skills necessary in 21st century education. School programmes need to be developed for teaching CT in order to identify new key competences that students need to effectively participate in the knowledge society and to be prepared in the rapid changing job market. While institutions, philosophers and educators agree with the importance of CT, there is a reported lack of agreement on what the concept involves and how to teach it. The present study explores primary school teachers’ perceptions of teaching practices aiming at stimulating or hindering CT among pupils. 21 teachers (with 14 different EU nationalities) from three European Schools in Brussels participated to semi-structured interviews. The interview results showed the importance of group discussion, cooperative learning, brainstorming and debate as teaching practices to foster CT among pupils. These results provide insights on how CT is encouraged and its obstacles. Specifically, focusing on teaching practices, this research contributes to define the framework for the promotion of CT in the context of primary education. The relevance of the outputs can be used for future educational research and design among several stakeholders (teachers, school principals, policy makers, researchers) involved in innovative teaching methods for CT.
Originele taal-2English
Mijlpalentype toekennenAbstract for International Conference
Aantal pagina's1
StatusPublished - 3 feb 2020

Bibliografische nota

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