Professional Teacher Development. Improving basic education through the professionalization of teachers.

Koen Lombaerts, Frederic Jan Mednick, Free De Backer

Onderzoeksoutput: Commissioned reportResearch


Teachers are the key to improved student learning performance. Therefore, the learning performance of students is highly dependent on the qualities of teachers. Over the years, the job description of teachers has expanded. For example, teachers are asked to teach increasingly culturally diverse classes, to integrate students with special needs into their classrooms, and to do more to involve parents in their child(ren)'s learning. Consequently, the skill set of entry-level teachers is inadequate to meet the new, expanded job description of the teacher. Although teachers gain a great deal of experience in their careers, experience alone is insufficient to meet these new demands within their profession. Therefore, the continued development of teachers, after their initial training, is of prominent importance. Teacher professional development is essential for transforming teaching and learning. Professional development directly affects all aspects of teaching, including student outcomes, teacher satisfaction, and retention. Therefore, it is desirable for policymakers to prioritize the conception of professional development policies. Policies that provide teachers with the opportunity to acquire competencies that are necessary in this day and age to provide a good education to all students.
Originele taal-2English
UitgeverijBasic Education Improvement Programme
Opdrachtgevend orgaanMinistry of Education, Science and Culture
Aantal pagina's70
StatusPublished - 2020


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