Propuesta de asignatura optativa “Derecho Europeo” como forma de internacionalización del currículo en la carrera de Derecho de la UCLV

Onderzoeksoutput: Unpublished paper


This paper deals with the topic of the optional subject "European Law" as part of the internationalisation of the curriculum in the Law Degree at Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas. In the research, an assessment regarding the optional subject "European Law" inclusion in the Bachelor's Degree in Law undergraduate curriculum. The report is made up of two essential parts, the theoretical foundation of the internationalisation of the curriculum and the presentation of the elective subject under study. The main results are aimed at proposing actions that allow the subject "European Law" to become an integral instrument of internationalisation of the curriculum that generates international competence in future legal professionals.
Originele taal-2Spanish
Aantal pagina's12
StatusUnpublished - jun 2019
EvenementConvención Científica Internacional UCLV 2019: II Taller de Internacionalización de la Educación Superior - Santa María Keys, Caibarién, Cuba
Duur: 23 jun 201930 jun 2019
Congresnummer: II


ConferenceConvención Científica Internacional UCLV 2019
Verkorte titelINTES

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