Quality Assessment of Virtual Prototypes of Surgical Luminaires using Near-field Ray-data

Valéry Ann Jacobs, Romy Van Gaever, Bart Ribbens, Wouter Ryckaert, Marc Diltoer, Patrick Rombauts, Peter Hanselaer, Kevin W. Houser (Redacteur)

Onderzoeksoutput: Articlepeer review

3 Citaten (Scopus)


Surgical luminaires should be an added value to the surgeon while operating. However, highlighting the wound of a patient is not trivial and a surgical luminaire, able to perform this task, will have to meet stringent requirements. Various optical requirements and performance indicators are described in the European Standard for surgical luminaires and have to be measured after construction. Surgeons and hospital managers often use these performance indicators to compare different surgical luminaires.

The introduction of Solid-State Lighting and high power LEDs has initiated a new generation of surgical luminaires. It would be beneficial to have a cost- and time-effective method to test the luminaires of this new generation for compliance to the European Standard, when designing a virtual prototype of a surgical luminaire. Unfortunately, far-field intensities of these luminaires do not allow for an evaluation of the luminaires with respect to the Standard and near-field ray-data has to be used.

To validate this approach, we used spatial- and angular-resolved ray-data of a luminaire and modeled a virtual setup that corresponds to the setup used in the European Standard.

This paper compares illuminances obtained from simulations and photometric measurements of various photometric tests.
Originele taal-2English
Aantal pagina's12
StatusPublished - jan 2013

Bibliografische nota

Kevin W. Houser


  • Chirurgische Verlichtingsarmaturen
  • Nabije-Veld Fotometrie


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