Raats, T., Moons, A., Ruelens, S., Islamaj, D. & C. Pauwels (2013). Behoeften‐en prioriteitenanalyse talentmanagement in de audiovisuele sector. Een onderzoeksproject in opdracht van Mediarte.be en de administratie Cultuur, Jeugd, Sport en Media. Brussel: iMinds‐SMIT, Vrije Universiteit Brussel.

Tim Raats, An Moons, Sanne Ruelens, Doruntina Islamaj

Onderzoeksoutput: Commissioned report


This report presents the results of a multi-method research on the needs and priorities for talent management in the Flemish audiovisual sector. The report is preparatory study for the organization and orientation of a Flemish Media Academy. As such, the report firstly, mapped various thresholds and potential for talent management in the audiovisual sector, based on general insights from management literature, case studies and international research. Second, the research project consisted of a large-scale quantitative analysis setting out from a survey aimed at all professionals in the Flemish audiovisual sector. Lastly, results from the survey and literature study were combined with a series of qualitative roundtable interviews with sector professionals. The project was undertaken from January 2013 onwards to October 2013. A steering group with members of the Flemish media cabinet, the VRT, the department of Culture, Youth, Sports and Media and Mediarte.be coordinated the project.
Originele taal-2English
Aantal pagina's169
UitgaveEen onderzoeksproject in opdracht van Mediarte.be en de adminis
StatusPublished - 16 okt 2013


  • opleidingsbehoeften en -prioriteiten
  • Mediacademie


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