Re-Interpreting Trauma in Literary Memoirs Written by Jewish Authors from Egypt.

Onderzoeksoutput: Meeting abstract (Book)


Decennia after leaving Egypt, Jewish writers started to write their memoirs about their childhood and youth. Though each author has his or her own stylistic and topical preferences, there are a few central problems that are dealt with in all of these autobiographical novels: Alterity, Loneliness, Fear, Forced Exile, Deprivation, Pain and Trauma.

A comparative approach can unveil, what mental strategies and ideological constructions help the fictional storytellers to cope with their multi-layered traumatic experience of uprooting, displacement or exile.
Originele taal-2English
TitelXth Congress of the European Association of Jewish Studies (EAJS).
StatusPublished - 24 jul 2014
EvenementXth Congress of the European Association of Jewish Studies, EAJS - Paris, France
Duur: 20 jul 201424 jul 2014

Publicatie series

NaamJewish and Non-Jewish Cultures in Contact: New Research Perspectives.


ConferenceXth Congress of the European Association of Jewish Studies, EAJS


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