Reading Skills for Weak Learners

Onderzoeksoutput: Chapterpeer review

Originele taal-2English
TitelEgloff, G. and A. Fitzpatrick (eds.), Languages for work and life: the Council of Europe and vocationally oriented language learning. Strasbourg, Council of Europe Publishing, 1997, 164-177. (ook in Asp 1997 = artikel)
UitgeverijEgloff, G. and A. Fitzpatrick (eds.), Languages for work and life: the Council of Europe and vocationally oriented language learning. Strasbourg, Council of Europe Publishing, 1997, 164-177. (ook in Asp 1997 = artikel)
StatusPublished - 1997

Bibliografische nota

Egloff, G. and A. Fitzpatrick
(eds.), Languages for work and life: the Council of Europe and vocationally
oriented language learning. Strasbourg, Council of Europe Publishing, 1997,
164-177. (ook in Asp 1997 = artikel)

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