Recent Developments in Relations Between Visegrád Group Countries and Taiwan Explained (2018-2022)

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The Taiwanese media and public have recently paid growing attention to the
countries in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). Taipei’s efforts to develop ties with
Lithuania and the Czech Republic, as well as Poland and Slovakia, have become a
hot topic. Headlines in the press lauded each related event: “Lithuania Shows Blueprint
to Oppose China,” “Taiwan and Poland Tied by Love of Democracy,” “The New
Czech Foreign Minister Calls Taiwan Important Economic Partner ‘Taiwan is Several
Times More Important than China.’”1 Despite some titles showing more restraint, in
general, expectations regarding Taiwan – CEE cooperation seem to be high.

This article attempts to explain the most recent developments in relations between
selected Central and Eastern European countries (CEEC) towards Taiwan. It looks at
the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia — the four members of the VisegrádGroup (Visegrád Four, later V4) — an alliance formed in 1991 by the countries of the Central Europe to advance cooperation on issues of common interest. It traces
their foreign policy choices concerning relations with China and Taiwan since the
end of Cold War, inquiries into the decisive factors behind them, and examines the
static and changing elements in their relations with both Asian partners. Finally, it
provides policy recommendations.
Originele taal-2English
Pagina's (van-tot)21-44
Aantal pagina's44
TijdschriftTaiwan Strategist
StatusPublished - 11 apr 2022


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