Relational personality dynamics within the leader-subordinate dyad: The crossover of state core self-evaluations.

Onderzoeksoutput: Unpublished abstract


Using a two-week daily diary study on 31 leader-subordinate dyads, we
demonstrated that variation in one dyad member’s level of state core self-evaluations causes variation in the other dyad member’s level of state core self-evaluations,. Moreover, we examined whether the crossover effect was mediated by transformational leadership behavior. We found that, when the leader has high (state) core self-evaluations, s/he has sufficient psychological resources to engage in transformational leadership behaviors, and such constructive leadership behaviors enhance the subordinate’s (state) core self-evaluations. Our study contributes to the field of personality psychology by exploring within-person and within-dyad personality processes. By showing that one’s personality fluctuates in sync with the significant other’s personality across situations, we demonstrate a converging tendency between state personalities.
Originele taal-2English
StatusPublished - 2015


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