Relationships between physical activity levels, sedentary behaviour and quality of life among Flemish secondary school teachers

Onderzoeksoutput: Meeting abstract (Book)


Purpose: Current research indicates an increased rate of absenteeism amongst teachers due to psychological and low back problems. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between physical activity (PA)levels, sedentary behavior (SB) and perceived quality of life (QOL) among teachers.
Method: QOL was measured by the Short Form 36 (8 dimensions); moderate-to-vigorous PA (MVPA) and SB by the International Physical Activity Questionnaire. Answers were collected by means of an online survey in a representative sample of Flemish secondary school teachers (n=1167,40.3±9.7 years,68% female). High and low level groups were distinguished: for SB according to the median (4,6h/day) and for PA taking 150minMVPA/week as boundary.
Results: No significant differences were found for the 8 dimensions of QOL according to the level of PA. Teachers with a low SB had significantly better QOL compared to the teachers having a high SB (74,8vs.71,8;p0,05).
Conclusion: PA levels among teachers don't really have an influence on their perceived QOL. Their SB has an impact on their physical health, but not on their perceived mental health. Teachers hereby indicate that the long period of standing in their job don't influence their physical health in a negative way and that their PA levels or SB are not related to their psychological problems.
Originele taal-2English
TitelOral Contribution At ISBNPA 2012 in Texas
StatusPublished - 1 jul 2012
EvenementUnknown -
Duur: 1 jul 2012 → …


Periode1/07/12 → …


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