Reliability assessment of NMC Li-ion battery for electric vehicles application

Foad Heidari Gandoman, Yousef Firouz, Md Sazzad Hosen, Theodoros Kalogiannis, Joris Jaguemont, Maitane Berecibar, Joeri Van Mierlo

Onderzoeksoutput: Conference paper

3 Citaten (Scopus)


Lithium-ion batteries have been a good solution to provide energy for the modern mobility system over the last few decades. Moreover, the reliability evaluation of the Li-ion batteries has an important role in terms of design, lifetime service and maintenance for the battery pack in electric vehicles (EVs). In this research, the performance of Carbon/ Nickel-Manganese-Cobalt (C/NMC) based lithium batteries from a reliability point of view, in the high and low temperatures have been investigated. In order to evaluate reliability in the battery cells, power and capacity fades have been introduced as reliability indexes in this research. The experimental result shows that the aging (power fade and capacity fade) of C/NMC battery in low temperatures is slower than at high temperatures. Moreover, the rate of the error between the proposed degradations and degradation modes with experimental results are 5% and 2% for power and capacity fades, respectively.
Originele taal-2English
Titel2019 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC), Hanoi, Vietnam
Aantal pagina's6
ISBN van elektronische versie9781728112497
ISBN van geprinte versie1938-8756
StatusPublished - okt 2019
EvenementIEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference - Hanoi, Viet Nam
Duur: 14 okt 201917 okt 2019

Publicatie series

Naam2019 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, VPPC 2019 - Proceedings


ConferenceIEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference
Verkorte titelVPPC2019
Land/RegioViet Nam
Internet adres


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