Report II: The North Zone (part I). Brussels by us, collective ideas for a smart future.

Carina Veeckman, Laura Temmerman, Sven Lenaerts, Vincent De Waele

Onderzoeksoutput: Commissioned reportResearch

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This report describes the first steps of the Living Lab methodology for the North Zone: the mapping of the stakeholders, the selection of cases, the set-up of the first co-creation workshop and the formulation of the questions for the mobile application. In March and April 2019, a mapping of stakeholders in the North Zone was performed to have a good overview of past, current and future projects in the neighbourhood. Stakeholders were mapped on the micro, meso and macro level, and five different categories were identified: citizens organisations, financial organisations (“capital in the zone”), businesses, private companies, and knowledge stakeholders. Next, the stakeholders working on the topic of functional mixity were selected and contacts were established for a one-to-one meeting. During those meetings, the project was introduced, and the stakeholders were invited to participate in the project and to set up a participatory process with support of the (beacon) technology. Specific cases, being the railway station in the North zone, Quatuor, Zin, Klavertje 4, Soccle Foyer Laekenois, Rogier Square and Passage Rogier, and the Tunnel Brabant, were further elaborated during a first co-creation workshop with experts from the neighbourhood. During this workshop, suggestions were provided about how to improve the quality of life of these specific locations on various categories: commercial offer, social activities, urban infrastructure, and services. The workshop took place on 1/04/2019 for almost four hours with 16 participants of the North Zone. Based on their inputs, a first draft of questions was made by imec and reviewed by the stakeholders involved. After their review, the questions were programmed and released on the mobile application – which launch mid-June. The results of the campaign can be found in report 5.
Originele taal-2English
Plaats van productieBrussels
Opdrachtgevend orgaanSecretary of State in charge of Road Safety, Computing and Digital Transition, Equal Opportunities, Animal Welfare and Development Cooperation of the Brussels-Capital Region
Aantal pagina's50
StatusPublished - dec 2019


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