Report VI: The University zone (part 2). Brussels by us, collective ideas for a smart future

Carina Veeckman, Laura Temmerman, Sven Lenaerts, Vincent De Waele

Onderzoeksoutput: Commissioned reportResearch

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This report describes stage 4 to stage 8 of the Living Lab methodology for the University Zone. During these stages, the campaign was launched to collect opinions on future and on-going projects in the University district. More specifically, this campaign focused on two buildings owned by the stakeholder Befimmo, namely the Beobank and the Silversquare building. The campaign asked questions about how the buildings could be integrated with their surroundings in terms of multi-functionality, as well as means to better connect its functions with the needs of citizens of the zone (students, professionals, inhabitants). During this campaign, a total of 143 citizens actively participated, giving their opinion via the mobile app or an online survey. The analysis is provided in this report with its main highlights. Furthermore, an alternative usage of the Brussels by us app was explored together with the Infopunt of the VUB. The Infopunt has been looking for new ways to engage with their students during the beginning of the academic year. Therefore, the Brussels by us mobile app was seen as an opportunity to allow students to discover their campus in a digital, and game-friendly way.
Originele taal-2English
Plaats van productieBrussels
Opdrachtgevend orgaanSecretary of State in charge of Road Safety, Computing and Digital Transition, Equal Opportunities, Animal Welfare and Development Cooperation of the Brussels-Capital Region
Aantal pagina's15
StatusPublished - dec 2019


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