Report VII: Communication strategy. Brussels by us, collective ideas for a smart future.

Carina Veeckman, Laura Temmerman, Sven Lenaerts, Vincent De Waele

Onderzoeksoutput: Commissioned reportResearch

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This document describes all the promotional and communicational activities of the Brussels by us project. The implemented activities were aimed to make citizens aware of the project, motivate them to participate in the campaigns and sustain their engagement throughout the project’s lifetime. The list includes all the public events, as well as offline and online communication material that were created for dissemination purposes, from the start of the project to the very end.
Originele taal-2English
Plaats van productieBrussels
Opdrachtgevend orgaanSecretary of State in charge of Road Safety, Computing and Digital Transition, Equal Opportunities, Animal Welfare and Development Cooperation of the Brussels-Capital Region
Aantal pagina's49
StatusPublished - dec 2019


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