Schiller y el reconocimiento del otro en su otredad: El desafío de pensar la intersubjetividad a partir de una lógica de la diferencia

Onderzoeksoutput: Articlepeer review

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In this paper I analyse F. Schiller’s conception of recognition. This conception has beenhitherto ignored by the studies on the history of philosophy and by the contemporary debate on recognition.The thesis of the present paper is that Schiller’s reflexions about the question on recognition opens upthe possibility for recognizing the other in his or her otherness and/or uniqueness. Accordingly, thepresent paper attempts not only at a revision and improvement of the vision we have about EighteenthCentury German Philosophy, but also at offering a new point of view from which the contemporarydebate can be critically analysed.
Vertaalde titel van de bijdrageSchiller and the recognition of the other in his or her otherness: The challenge of thinking intersubjectivity according to a logic of the difference,
Originele taal-2Spanish
Pagina's (van-tot)225-247
Aantal pagina's23
Nummer van het tijdschrift256
StatusPublished - 2012


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