Short- and long-term effects of conscious, minimally conscious and unconscious brand logos

Charlotte Muscarella, Gigliola Brintazzoli, Sarah Gordts, Eric Soetens, Eva Van Den Bussche

Onderzoeksoutput: Articlepeer review

18 Citaten (Scopus)


Unconsciously presented information can influence our behavior in an experimental context. However, whether these effects can be translated to a daily life context, such as advertising, is strongly debated. What hampers this translation is the widely accepted notion of the short-livedness of unconscious representations. The effect of unconscious information on behavior is assumed to rapidly vanish within a few hundreds of milliseconds. Using highly familiar brand logos (e.g., the logo of McDonald's) as subliminal and supraliminal primes in two priming experiments, we assessed whether these logos were able to elicit behavioral effects after a short (e.g., 350ms), a medium (e.g., 1000ms) and a long (e.g., 5000ms) interval. Our results demonstrate that when real-life information is presented minimally consciously or even unconsciously, it can influence our subsequent behavior, even when more than five seconds pass between the presentation of the minimally conscious or unconscious information and the behavior on which it exerts its influence.
Originele taal-2English
Aantal pagina's10
TijdschriftPLoS ONE
Nummer van het tijdschrift5
StatusPublished - 2013

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