Sinusoidal dilatation and peliosis (liver).Radiological and diagnostic implications.

Michel Osteaux, Anne Hoorens, B. Op De Beeck

Onderzoeksoutput: Meeting abstract (Book)Research

Originele taal-2English
TitelOral Presentation at the Belgian Week of Gastroenterology, Joint Meeting of Gastroenterology Research Group – Section of the Royal Belgian Society of Radiology Knokke, januari 25
UitgeverijOral Presentation at the Belgian Week of Gastroenterology, Joint Meeting of Gastroenterology Research Group – Section of the Royal Belgian Society of Radiology Knokke, januari 25
StatusPublished - 2002

Bibliografische nota

Oral Presentation at the Belgian Week of Gastroenterology, Joint Meeting of Gastroenterology
Research Group – Section of the Royal Belgian Society of Radiology
Knokke, januari 25

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