Smart construction logistics governance – A systems view of construction logistics in urban development

Mats Janné, Anna Fredriksson, Monica Billger, Nicolas Brusselaers, Selamawit Mamo Fufa, Rodrigue Al Fahel, Koen Maurits Mommens

Onderzoeksoutput: Conference paperResearch

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To reduce disturbances and impact from construction transports during urban development, logistics flows need to be managed and controlled efficiently. One way to do so is using construction logistics setups. However, these rarely take both initiator and end-user perspectives into consideration. The paper builds on a longitudinal multiple-case study with cases from Belgium, Norway, and Sweden. The cases provide insights on different tools and approaches for gathering stakeholder input, simulation and forecasting of transport volumes, what type of services are needed in urban construction projects, and different governance measures and incentives. A cross-case analysis was performed to find similarities and differences between the countries. The result of the study is a conceptual framework, presenting a systems overview of the decision routes in urban development linked to construction logistics.
Originele taal-2English
TitelProceedings of the 57th ISOCARP World Planning Congress
Plaats van productieDoha, Qatar
Aantal pagina's10
UitgaveDecember 2021
ISBN van elektronische versie9789075524697
ISBN van geprinte versie9789075524697
StatusPublished - 9 dec 2021
Evenement57th ISOCARP World Planning Congress - Doha, Qatar
Duur: 28 okt 202111 nov 2021


Conference57th ISOCARP World Planning Congress
Internet adres


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