Social acceptance of wireless battery charging systems: Belgium case study

Onderzoeksoutput: Conference paper

4 Citaten (Scopus)


The market of electric vehicles (EVs) is characterized by several adoption barriers. The lack for charging infrastructure is one of the most crucial challenges to overcome in order to have a smooth introduction of EVs. It plays a key role in attracting new adopters. Not only does it give more convenience to EV drivers but more importantly, it sends trust signals to EV manufacturers and consumers. The "chicken-and-egg" problem between infrastructure providers and EV manufacturers could thus be tackled.
However, the question remains: what kind of charging infrastructure should be focused on? Today, EV manufacturers have chosen the conductive slow chargers as a "standard". However, new charging solutions are still entering the market. Wireless EV charging (inductive charging) is one of these solutions and it could improve the general convenience of EVs. This study aims at investigating the user acceptance for these inductive charging systems.
Originele taal-2English
TitelIEEE International Electric Vehicle Conference (IEVC 2014)
Aantal pagina's6
StatusPublished - 2014
EvenementElectric Vehicle Conference (IEVC), 2014 IEEE International - Firenze , Italy
Duur: 17 mei 201519 mei 2015


!!ConcertElectric Vehicle Conference (IEVC), 2014 IEEE International


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