Solving urban problems through co-creation: The LOOPER project

Jesse Pappers, Imre Keserü, James Evans, Janice Astbury, Massimiliano Condotta, Joe Ravetz, Chiara Scanagatta, Cathy Macharis

Onderzoeksoutput: Conference paperResearch


The aim of this paper is to present the LOOPER participatory co-creation methodology and platform developed in the Learning Loops in the Public Realm (LOOPER) project to demonstrate ‘learning loops’ i.e. new ways of decision-making which bring together citizens, stakeholders and policy-makers to iteratively learn how to address urban challenges. The methodology and platform are demonstrated in three Living Labs with different spatial, cultural and thematic contexts. The main issues are traffic and mobility in Brussels; traffic and green space in Manchester; and air and noise pollution in Verona. The paper discusses the LOOPER approach to support finding solutions to urban problems in a participatory co-creation process. The experiences from the LOOPER Living Labs show that combining offline and online participation tools is often necessary in co-creation and that online tools should have a low entry threshold. Furthermore, formal evaluation methods can be effective tools in ensuring stakeholder participation.
Originele taal-2English
TitelProceedings of 8th Transport Research Arena TRA 2020
Aantal pagina's6
ISBN van elektronische versie978-952-311-484-5
StatusPublished - 2020
EvenementTransport Research Arena 2020: Rethinking transport - Helsinki, Finland
Duur: 27 apr 202030 apr 2020


ConferenceTransport Research Arena 2020
Verkorte titelTRA 2020
Internet adres

Bibliografische nota

This publication presents the proceedings of TRA2020, the 8th Transport Research Arena, which was planned to be held on 27-30 April 2020 in Helsinki. The physical conference event was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. All work presented in this Book of Abstracts was peer-reviewed and accepted for the conference. Authors were encouraged to publish their full paper in a repository of their choice with a mention of TRA2020.


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