Projecten per jaar
Method and system for transmitting information from a transmitting location, comprising: a multimode connection having an input located at said transmitting location and having an output located at said receiving location, coherent light generating means at said transmitting location operable to provide a plurality of coherent light beams to said transmitting location by way of space domain modulation of said coherent light beams, means providing space domain modulation of said coherent light beams to the input of said multimode connection, said multimode connection operating to provide a plurality of speckle patterns at the output thereof, means operable to receive said plurality of speckle patterns at a receiving location and to transmit the output of the multimode connection to an array of photodetectors, means to process outputs of the array of photodetectors to classify one of the plurality of speckle patterns as from one of the coherent light beams.
Originele taal-2 | English |
Octrooinummer | WO2020020991 |
Status | Published - 2020 |
Duik in de onderzoeksthema's van 'Space division multiplexing method and system using speckle pattern recognition in multi-mode optical fibres'. Samen vormen ze een unieke vingerafdruk.Projecten
- 1 Afgelopen
FWOAL906: Space division multiplexing in standaard multimode optische vezels op basis van het herkennen van speckle patronen
1/01/19 → 31/12/22
Project: Fundamenteel