Static electric equivalent circuit of commercial lithium-ion battery cells using genetic algorithms

Onderzoeksoutput: Conference paper


In this work, a static electrical equivalent circuit
(EEC) is proposed based on the charge and discharge
performance of lithium-ion battery cells (LiBs), which can be
obtained either directly from datasheet, or by a simple constant
current charge/discharge cycle. The battery cell behavior is
described by a non-linear mathematical representation with
only dependency on the current rate (C-rate) and the state of
charge (SoC) of the battery cells. Its coefficients are optimized
using a single objective genetic algorithm and the methodology
is tested on five different chemistries and various shaped
commercial LiB cells. The results have shown a good agreement
between the simulated and the experimental values. A simple
and reasonably accurate EEC is proposed in this work, which
can be part of the performance evaluation criterion of electric
drive of the vehicles as well as investigating a potential energy
storage system.
Originele taal-2English
TitelIEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (IEEE-VPPC 2019)
Aantal pagina's6
StatusPublished - 9 jan 2020
Evenement2019 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC), Hanoi, Vietnam. -
Duur: 14 okt 201817 okt 2019


Conference2019 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC), Hanoi, Vietnam.


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