Subconjunctival epidermoid cysts in Gorlin-Goltz syndrome

S De Craene, A Batteauw, Michel Van Lint, I Claerhout, C Decock

Onderzoeksoutput: Articlepeer review

6 Citaten (Scopus)


Epidermoid cysts are common benign cysts which occur particularly on the skin of the face, neck and upper trunk. Subconjunctival location of these cysts is very rare and, until today, only seen in patients with Gorlin-Goltz syndrome. Histopathological examination of these cysts show similarities with odontogenic keratocysts, a typical clinical manifestation of Gorlin-Goltz syndrome.

Originele taal-2English
Pagina's (van-tot)280-2
Aantal pagina's3
TijdschriftOrbit (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Nummer van het tijdschrift4
StatusPublished - aug 2014


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