Technology-supported client-centred rehabilitation: ‘Do patients use technologies and which skills do patients with neck pain prefer to train on?’

A Timmermans, Mieke Haesen, Kim Willems, Guido Claes, Enzo Olivieri, Bert Cuyvers, Jonas Verbrugghe, Karin Coninx

Onderzoeksoutput: Meeting abstract (Book)


The aim of this investigation is to inventorize training preferences and motives for motor rehabilitation of patients with neck pain. This knowledge is paramount in order to develop client-centered training for technology supported rehabilitation. Technology supported rehabilitation offers opportunities for increasing exercise variability during rehabilitation and may support patients to be compliant with home exercise regimes. The second aim of this study is to evaluate to which extent patients with neck pain are familiar with the use of technologies.
Originele taal-2English
Titel15th World Congress on Pain
Plaats van productieBuenos Aires, Argentina
StatusPublished - 6 okt 2014
Evenement15th World Congress on Pain - Buenos Aires, Argentina
Duur: 6 okt 201411 okt 2014


Conference15th World Congress on Pain
StadBuenos Aires


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