The Application of Ant Colony Optimization: Book Chapter2: Application of Ant Colony Optimization for Co-Design of Hybrid Electric Vehicles

Onderzoeksoutput: BookResearch

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One key subject matter for effective use of Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs) is
searching for drivetrains which their component dimensions and control parameters
are co-optimally designed for a desired performance. This makes the design challenge
as a problem, which needs to be addressed in a holistic way meeting various constraints.
Along this line, the strong coupling between components sizes of a drivetrain
and parameters of its controllers turns the optimal sizing and control design of HEVs
into a Bi-level optimization problem. In this chapter, an important application of
continuous Ant Colony Optimization (ACOR) for integrated sizing and control design
of HEVs is thoroughly discussed for minimizing the drivetrain cost, minimizing the
fuel consumption and addressing the control objectives at the meantime. The outcome
of this chapter provides useful information related to incorporation of softcomputing,
modeling and simulation concepts into optimization-based design of
HEVs from all respects for designers and automotive engineers. It brings opportunities
to the readers for understanding the criteria, constraints, and objective functions
required for the optimal design of HEVs. Via introducing a two-folded iterative
framework, fuel consumption and component sizing minimizations are of the main
goals to be simultaneously addressed in this chapter using ACOR
Originele taal-2English
UitgeverijIntech Open Access
Aantal pagina's18
StatusPublished - 28 jun 2021


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