The Economics of Industrial Innovation: Third Edition

Christopher Freeman, Luc Soete

Onderzoeksoutput: Book


Technical innovation has moved to center stage in contemporary debates on economic theory and policy, and Chris Freeman and Luc Soete have played a prominent part in these debates. For this new edition of The Economics of Industrial Innovation, they have rewritten all the existing chapters and added ten new ones that address recent advances in theory and in policymaking. In the new chapters they deal with the international dimensions of technical change including underdevelopment, technology transfer, international trade, and globalization. They have also strengthened the historical account of the rise of new technologies, a main feature of earlier editions. They take advantage of their experience on projects for the OECD, the European Union, and industry in other new chapters on "The Information Society" and on environmental issues, as well as in the updated discussion of science and technology policy.
Originele taal-2English
UitgeverijMIT Press
Aantal pagina's480
UitgaveThird Edition
ISBN van geprinte versie9780262061957, 9780262561136
StatusPublished - aug 1997


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