
The BEV-market is growing fast and the BEV drivers are becoming more numerous. This conference paper
describes the European (BEV-)drivers of 2022: their socio-economic profile, mobility behaviour, charging
behaviour, attitudes towards alternatively fuelled (electric) vehicles, their driving and consumer
motivations. The paper will focus specifically on BEV-drivers and non-BEV drivers as subgroups and their
differences. The goal is to provide an overview of the results and their consistency with previous research.
Originele taal-2English
Aantal pagina's12
StatusUnpublished - 14 jun 2023
Evenement36th International Electric Vehicle Symposium and Exhibition (EVS36) - Convention Centre, Sacramento, United States
Duur: 11 jun 202314 jun 2023


Conference36th International Electric Vehicle Symposium and Exhibition (EVS36)
Land/RegioUnited States
Internet adres


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