The Future of Networked Privacy: Challenges and Opportunities

Jessica Vitak, Pamela Wisniewski, Xinru Page, Airi Lampinen, Eden Litt, Ralf De Wolf, Gage Kelley Patrick, Sleeper Manya

Onderzoeksoutput: Conference paperResearch

15 Citaten (Scopus)


In the last decade, CSCW researchers have increasingly focused on questions around networked privacy, with studies examining the privacy paradox, strategies users employ to manage their privacy, the privacy-disclosure link, and design solutions for privacy needs, among
others. Building on this work and previous workshops at CSCW and CHI, this two-day workshop examines networked privacy challenges from a broader perspective by 1/ identifying the most important issues researchers will need to address in the next decade and 2/ working to create actionable solutions for these privacy issues that future researchers can empirically test. This workshop comes at a critical time for organizations, researchers, and consumers, with content-sharing applications soaring in popularity and more privacy and security vulnerabilities emerging. Workshop participants and organizers will work together to develop a guiding framework for the community that highlights the future challenges and opportunities of networked privacy.
Originele taal-2English
StatusPublished - 14 mrt 2015
EvenementCSCW 2015 Workshop - Vancouver, BC, Canada
Duur: 14 mrt 201515 mrt 2015


ConferenceCSCW 2015 Workshop
StadVancouver, BC


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