The influence of preventive microsurgical lymph node transplantation and lympho-venous anastomose(s) on the incidence and prognosis of breast cancer related lymphedema in high-risk breast cancer survivors.

Onderzoeksoutput: Conference paper

Originele taal-2English
TitelThe influence of preventive microsurgical lymph node transplantation and lympho-venous anastomose(s) on the incidence and prognosis of breast cancer related lymphedema in high-risk breast cancer survivors.
Plaats van productieInt J Phys Med Rehabil p 28
StatusPublished - 2013
EvenementInternational Conference and Exhibition on Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation - Las Vegas, United States
Duur: 19 aug 201321 aug 2013


ConferenceInternational Conference and Exhibition on Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Land/RegioUnited States
StadLas Vegas

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