The Legal Frameworks of Agriculture: Towards Effective Legislative Policies: Policy Paper

Mahmoud Alawna, Abbas Melhem (Redacteur)

Onderzoeksoutput: Special issueSpecialist

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This document mainly tackles the issue of implementing agricultural legislations as a single unit. The main objective is to evaluate and revise the legal frameworks for the agricultural sector by focusing on a 4
{The Legal Frameworks of Agriculture: Towards Effective Legislative Policies} February 2018 Palestinian Farmers Union (PFU) limited number of laws, analyzing them and then suggesting a number of possible scenarios regarding their activation on the ground.
The main problem that this document seeks to address is the lack of harmonization between the legal frameworks in the Palestinian agricultural legal system regulating both farming and farmers themselves.
This paper also seeks to address the cases of confusion caused by these legislations when implemented, as they are all interconnected, yet fail to connect with the internal legal system both vertically and horizontally; vertically with the amended Basic Law for 2003, and horizontally with the internal legislation of the same legislative rank. This document includes a number of options for interventions that include: not intervening, intervening through implementing the laws as they are, or intervening through implementing the laws after amending them and issuing their regulations. Each option has a number of impacts that would affect main actors in the sector. The last option was found to be the most favorable due to its positive impacts on farmers, the government and the community.
Originele taal-2English
Aantal pagina's34
VolumeNo Volum
NeeNo issue number
Specialist publicatieUnknown Journal
UitgeverPalestinian Farmers Union (PFU)
StatusPublished - feb 2018


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