The risk of breast cancer and the moral concerns of patients in whose family a BRCA 1 or 2 mutation has been identified.

Onderzoeksoutput: Conference paper

Originele taal-2English
TitelPublicatie van het abstract in Poster Abstracts Exhibition and Discussion, International Meeting on the Psycho-Social Impacts of Breast Cancer, 29 April 1998, p. 3.8. UICC, Lucerne, Switzerland.
StatusPublished - 1998
EvenementUnknown -
Duur: 1 jan 1998 → …


Periode1/01/98 → …

Bibliografische nota

Publicatie van het abstract in Poster Abstracts Exhibition and Discussion, International Meeting on the Psycho-Social Impacts of Breast Cancer, 29 April 1998, p. 3.8. UICC, Lucerne, Switzerland.

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