The Social Construction of the Realm of the Discipline: Polish Sinology

Onderzoeksoutput: Chapterpeer review


This work enters into the long-standing debate on the meaning of "sinology". It takes as a springboard theoretical assumptions regarding the term's floating meaning, which, due to the shifting nature of disciplinary boundaries in which all knowledge is relative, can never be fixed. It looks at the University of Warsaw's (UW) Sinology Department and asks what Polish academia counts as discipline-specific knowledge. In order to answer this question, it analyses the rhetorical work involved in defining and defending the discipline in selected works by and interviews with Polish scholars who study China. It comments on the phenomenon of creating disciplinary labels, the role of external pressures on knowledge production, and the ways in which the UW Sinology Department's faculty mediates and assimilates those pressure.
Originele taal-2English
TitelFrom Sinology to Post-Chineseness: Intellectual Histories of China, Chinese People, and Chinese Civilisation
RedacteurenChih-yu Shih, Lei Tang, Peizhong He
Plaats van productieBeijing
UitgeverijChinese Social Sciences Press
ISBN van geprinte versie9787520307550
StatusPublished - 1 jun 2017


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