Towards A Collaborative Access Control Model For Pi: A First Exploration Of The Needs And Requirements

Onderzoeksoutput: Conference paper


The concept of Physical Internet (PI) assumes an extensive data-sharing between entities partaking in the network to realise its potential of an optimised logistics network. While the advantages of this concept are clearly shown in theory, the practical implementation gives rise to some objections. The logistics sector is very competitive, and the sharing of data requires a high level of trust between entities. A level of trust that is hard to gain in dynamic, ad-hoc collaborations. In the context of Industry 4.0, where similar challenge arise, potential schemes for data access control are already developed. Our paper aims to evaluate which requirements should be met to make an access control scheme applicable
in PI and if any of the existing schemes fits these requirements. We found that, although each access control scheme offers interesting perspectives, no single one can fulfil all requirements. We therefore conclude that a specific access control model should be developed for PI
Originele taal-2English
TitelBijdragen vervoerslogistieke werkdagen
RedacteurenS.J.C.M. Weijers, B.J. Vannieuwenhuyse
UitgeverijUniversity Press
Aantal pagina's12
StatusPublished - 17 mrt 2023
EvenementVervoerslogistieke Werkdagen - Novotel, Mechelen, Belgium
Duur: 16 mrt 202317 mrt 2023


ConferenceVervoerslogistieke Werkdagen
Verkorte titelVLW
Internet adres


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