Towards DSM5: dimensional assessment of personality disorders with the structured clinical interview for the five factor model (SIFFM)

Onderzoeksoutput: ChapterResearchpeer review


Overview of the Structered Interview for the Five Factor Model Research by Department of Clinical and Life Span Psyhology, VUB
Originele taal-2English
TitelPerspectivas em psicologia dos transtornos da personalidade: implicações teóricas e práticas
SubtitelPersonality disorders perspectives in psychology: theoretical and practical implications
RedacteurenL.f. Carvalho, R. Primi
Plaats van productieBrasil
UitgeverijCasa do Psicólogo
Aantal pagina's26
ISBN van geprinte versie978-85-8040-072-4
StatusPublished - jun 2013

Bibliografische nota

L.F. Carvalho, R. Primi


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