Transformable active bending: a kinematical concept

Stijn Brancart, Lars De Laet, Aline Vergauwen, Niels De Temmerman

Onderzoeksoutput: Conference paper

1 Citaat (Scopus)


Transformable structures facilitate reuse of components and structures by increasing the speed and ease of erection and lowering the stacking volume during transportation. Thanks to its unique ability to use structural members under different curvatures and return bent elements to their initial straight or planar geometry, active bending has the potential to expand the existing morphology of transformable structures. This paper discusses the development of such structural and kinematical systems on a theoretical level. First we will give a review of the existing systems for transformable and active-bending structures. By combining these, we have developed new kinematical systems of which three were selected for the scope of this paper: deployable grids, active bending kit-of- parts systems and pliable textile hybrids. These will be discussed in more detail and applied on a first design case, illustrating the potential applicability in a real case. The kinematical study shows the potential of active bending in transformable structures. Using elastic deformations lowers the complexity of the structures and can be actively used in the structural transformation. However, questions about the structural behaviour and technical detailing remain for future research.
Originele taal-2English
TitelMobile and Rapidly Assembled Structures IV
RedacteurenN. De Temmerman, C. A. Brebbia
UitgeverijWIT Press
Aantal pagina's12
ISBN van elektronische versie978-1-84564-773-5
ISBN van geprinte versie978-1-84564-772-8
StatusPublished - 11 jun 2014
Evenement4th International Conference on Mobile, Adaptable and Rapidly Assembled Structures - Ostend, Belgium
Duur: 11 jun 201413 jun 2014

Publicatie series

NaamWIT Transactions on The Built Environment
UitgeverijWIT Press
ISSN van geprinte versie1743-3509


Conference4th International Conference on Mobile, Adaptable and Rapidly Assembled Structures
AnderThe fourth International Conference on Mobile, Adaptable and Rapidly Assembled Structures (MARAS 2014) took place in Ostend, following previous meetings held in Southampton, Seville and Madrid. The Conference was organised by the Free University of Brussels, represented by Prof Niels De Temmerman, and the Wessex Institute, represented by Prof Carlos A Brebbia. The meeting was sponsored by the International Journal of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics. Transferable objects and structures can change their shape in order to adapt to a different function, various morphological or structural requirements, or simply another location. They do this by means of a kinematic mechanism or by allowing disassembly or reconfiguration of their constituent components, allowing them to evolve over time.
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Bibliografische nota

N. De Temmerman, C.A. Brebbia


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