Translation Fluxes in Turkish. An Indication of Intercultural Exchanges

Philippe Humblé, Sezen Naldemir, Arvi Sepp

Onderzoeksoutput: Chapterpeer review


The distinction between centre and periphery is not straightforward and cannot easily be identified on the basis of objective data. In order to gauge the depth and breadth of intercultural exchanges between Turkey and other countries, this contribution sets out to analyse the number and the thematic foci of translations published in Turkey between 1979 and 2012. To this effect, we have scrutinized the data from the UNESCO database Index Translationum and subdivided them into eight areas: Philosophy and Psychology; Religion and Theology; Law and Social Sciences; Exact Sciences; Applied Sciences; Art, Games and Sports; Literature; History, Geography and Biography. We will show the translational dynamics of languages in Turkey and formulate the hypothesis that mainly English and secondarily also French are perceived to be the vectors of global culture. Indeed, the dominance of the Anglo-Saxon culture has been steadily progressing since the beginning of our data set in 1979, whereas the importance of French – and other languages – is ever more diminishing, currently relegating it to the margins. In this context, we will make explicit that translations are highly significant indicators of international power relations.
Originele taal-2English
TitelUluslararası Göç ve Hareketlilik: Küreselleşen Dünyada Çok Kültürlü Toplumların Çözüm Arayış
SubtitelInternational Migration and Mobility: Challenges of Multicultural Societies in a Globalizing World
Plaats van productieAdana
UitgeverijEyuder Yayinlari
Aantal pagina's6
ISBN van elektronische versie978-975-2490-31-4
StatusPublished - jan 2020


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