Unifying Approaches to Chiral Bosons

Onderzoeksoutput: Articlepeer review

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Chiral bosons, or self-dual p-form fields, are ubiquitous in string theoretic contexts but are challenging to treat. Lagrangian constructions invariably introduce a complexity be it auxiliary fields or sacrificing Lorentz invariance. In this note we show how to pass between such different approaches to chiral bosons starting from a Chern Simons point of view to recover formulations of Pasti, Sorokin and Tonin and of Mkrtchyan. This leads to a novel generalisation of the latter to include non-Abelian chiral bosons in 2-dimensions, and generalisations to include twisted self-duality which are relevant in T-duality symmetric approaches to string theory. Our approach also shows how global affine symmetries of two- and higher-dimensional chiral bosons emerge from broken Chern-Simons gauge transformations on the boundary.
Originele taal-2English
Aantal pagina's12
TijdschriftPhysical Review D
Nummer van het tijdschrift2023
StatusPublished - 28 jun 2023

Bibliografische nota

22 pages


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