Unraveling the formation mechanism of hybrid Zr conversion coating on advanced high strength stainless steels

Mohaddese Nabizadeh, Kristof Marcoen, El Amine Mernissi Cherigui, Thomas kolberg, Daniel Schatz, Herman Terryn, Tom Hauffman

Onderzoeksoutput: Articlepeer review

15 Citaten (Scopus)
107 Downloads (Pure)


This research unravels the formation mechanism of a hybrid conversion treatment including the well-established Zr conversion coating with a silane-based organic additive and Cu-based inorganic additive. The deposition mechanism of this coating was investigated on the thermal oxide film of Advanced High Strength Stainless Steels (AHSSS). This coating has been characterized using advanced surface analytical techniques such as XPS, FEG-AES, GDOES, and ToF-SIMS. The results showed that the simultaneous presence of these two additives results in the formation of a donor-acceptor complex between amine groups and Cu ions. The final coating contains Cu oxide together with a Cu-aminosilane complex, Zr oxide deposited mainly around Cu oxide and the aminosilane layer on the outer surface.
Originele taal-2English
Aantal pagina's12
TijdschriftSurface and Coatings Technology
StatusPublished - 15 jul 2022


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