Unravelling the Mechanism and Governing Factors in Lewis Acid and Non-Covalent Diels–Alder Catalysis: Different Perspectives

Onderzoeksoutput: Articlepeer review

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In the current literature, many non-covalent interaction (NCI) donors have been proposed that can potentially catalyze Diels-Alder (DA) reactions. In this study, a detailed analysis of the governing factors in Lewis acid and non-covalent catalysis of three types of DA reactions was carried out, for which we selected a set of hydrogen-, halogen-, chalcogen-, and pnictogen-bond donors. We found that the more stable the NCI donor–dienophile complex, the larger the reduction in DA activation energy. We also showed that for active catalysts, a significant part of the stabilization was caused by orbital interactions, though electrostatic interactions dominated. Traditionally, DA catalysis was attributed to improved orbital interactions between the diene and dienophile. Recently, Vermeeren and co-workers applied the activation strain model (ASM) of reactivity, combined with the Ziegler-Rauk-type energy decomposition analysis (EDA), to catalyzed DA reactions in which energy contributions for the uncatalyzed and catalyzed reaction were compared at a consistent geometry. They concluded that reduced Pauli repulsion energy, and not enhanced orbital interaction energy, was responsible for the catalysis. However, when the degree of asynchronicity of the reaction is altered to a large extent, as is the case for our studied hetero-DA reactions, the ASM should be employed with caution. We therefore proposed an alternative and complementary approach, in which EDA values for the catalyzed transition-state geometry, with the catalyst present or deleted, can be compared one to one, directly measuring the effect of the catalyst on the physical factors governing the DA catalysis. We discovered that enhanced orbital interactions are often the main driver for catalysis and that Pauli repulsion plays a varying role.
Originele taal-2English
TijdschriftInternational Journal of Molecular Sciences
Nummer van het tijdschrift5
StatusPublished - 3 mrt 2023

Bibliografische nota

Funding Information:
This research was funded by Research Foundation–Flanders (FWO–Vlaanderen) via the PhD fellowship of L.V., 1164223N.

Funding Information:
F.D.V. and F.D.P. wish to thank the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) for a Strategic Research Program awarded to the ALGC research group. Tier2 computational resources and services were provided by the Shared ICT Services Centre funded by the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, the Flemish Supercomputer Center (VSC), and FWO-Vlaanderen.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023 by the authors.

Copyright 2023 Elsevier B.V., All rights reserved.


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