Update study: The economic impact of the cultural and creative sectors in the Brussels-Capital Region and the diversity of the workforce

Onderzoeksoutput: Commissioned report

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This study was conducted by the research centre SMIT (Studies on Media, Innovation and Technology) at Vrije Universiteit Brussels (http://smit.vub.ac.be/). The research was produced with the financial support of hub.brussels (see Annex 2 for more information). This research is an update study to the report “The economic impact of the cultural and creative sectors in the Brussels-Capital Region” published by hub.brussels in 2021. The previous study was conducted in 2020 and collected data before the COVID-19 pandemic up to 2018. This update study allows us now to see the development of the Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs) in the Brussels-Capital Region during the years of the pandemic and to add more data around the diversity of the CCIs workforce.
For more data insights and to consult the study from 2020, please see:
Originele taal-2English
Opdrachtgevend orgaanHub.Brussels
Aantal pagina's19
StatusPublished - feb 2023


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