What is Robin Hood not telling you? It takes more than one brave NPO to make a difference in society.

Maria Renee Barreal Zapata

Onderzoeksoutput: Poster


Keeping up with the needs of all stakeholders is difficult for NPOs managers especially in developing countries, where the demands of the stakeholder with the highest power can hinder those of the most legitimate one. Managers bear all this responsibility with limited tools and resources.
We believe it is possible to generate a cooperative, engaged, responsible and more stable environment through psychological contract fulfillment in both external and internal stakeholders. So far, the psychological contract framework has only been applied to employer-employee relationships. Through this research, stakeholders’ PC expectations will be acknowledged and upheld as the main sources of value (when fulfilled) or the main sources of risk or trade (when unfulfilled). By applying stakeholder theory principles, interests will be aligned and responsibilities will be divided throughout the stakeholder network, therefore increasing the chance of multiplying the value, for each stakeholder.
Originele taal-2English
StatusPublished - nov 2017
EvenementARNOVA 2017: Strengthening Local Communities: The Role of Nonprofit and Philanthropic Organizations - Amway Grand Plaza Hotel, Grand Rapids, United States
Duur: 16 nov 201718 nov 2017
Congresnummer: 46


ConferenceARNOVA 2017
Verkorte titelARNOVA 2017
Land/RegioUnited States
StadGrand Rapids
Internet adres


  • Nonprofit organizations
  • stakeholders
  • Psychological contract

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