Quel droit privé pour une société durable: question nécessaire, aberration ou litanie idéologique?

Onderzoeksoutput: Chapter


this contribution explains how private law can and should play a role in the sustainability debate and the sustainability transition.

Whereas some defend the view that sustainability should be reached via public law rules, the view is defended that private law (contract law, law of obligations, corporate law, ...) allows for economic and financial activities and makes them enforceable. Hence if, as claimed by different scientist, economic and financial actives are causing the sustainability challenges our society is currently facing, private law is co-culprit.
Vertaalde titel van de bijdrageWhat private law for a sustainable society: necessary question, aberration or ideological litany?
Originele taal-2French
Titel Liber amicorum Xavier Dieux
Redacteurenfabrice Mourlon Beernaert, Gilles Collard, David Szafran, Didier Willermain
Aantal pagina's14
ISBN van geprinte versie9782807932418
StatusPublished - 2022


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